List of the publications about the NUSL written in English.
PEJŠOVÁ, Petra (ed.). Grey Literature Repositories. Zlín : VeRBuM, 2010. 152p. Available from NTK repository: ISBN 978-80-904273-5-8.

Conference materials
Our Conferences
About the NUSL
PEJŠOVÁ, Petra and Hana VYČÍTALOVÁ. National grey literature cooperation model. In: Seventeenth International Conference on Grey Literature, 28-29 November 2015. Available from NTK repository:
PEJŠOVÁ, Petra and Hana VYČÍTALOVÁ. Grey literature partnership network in the Czech Republic. In: Fourteenth International Conference on Grey Literature : Tracking Innovation through Grey Literature, 28-29 November 2012. Available from NTK repository:
PEJŠOVÁ, Petra. National Repository of Grey Literature in 2012. Seminar on providing access to grey literature 2012 : 5th year of the seminar, 2012. Available from NUSL:
SLOUKOVÁ, Jana. Invenio within the NUSL: Version 1.0 and More News. Seminar on providing access to grey literature 2012 : 5th year of the seminar, 2012. Available from NTK repository:
About the initial project
PEJŠOVÁ, Petra. National Repository of Grey Literature – pilot project. Seminar on providing access to grey literature 2011: 4th year of the seminar, 2011. Available from NTK repository:
PEJŠOVÁ, Petra. National Repository of Grey Literature – third year. In Seminar to access of grey literature 2010 : 3rd year of the seminar, 8. 12. 2010 [online]. Praha : Národní technická knihovna, 2010. Available from: . ISSN 1803-6015.
FÜRSTOVÁ, Iveta. Creation of a Scientific Publication. In Seminar to access of grey literature 2010 : 3rd year of the seminar, 8. 12. 2010 [online]. Praha : Národní technická knihovna, 2010. Available from: . ISSN 1803-6015.
MÜLLER, Tomáš. CDS Invenio – a software solution for National Repository of Grey Literature. In: Seminar to access of grey literature 2010 : 3rd year of the seminar, 8. 12. 2010 [online]. Praha : Národní technická knihovna, 2010. Available from: ISSN 1803-6015.
FÜRSTOVÁ, Iveta and Petra PEJŠOVÁ. National Repository of Grey Literature in the Czech Republic. In: 39th LIBER Annual General Conference, Aarhus University and State and University Library, Aarhus, 25. 6. – 2. 7. 2010. Available from NTK repository:
PEJŠOVÁ, Petra. User Interface of the National Repository of Grey Literature. In Libraries in the digital age, University of Zadar, Zadar, Croatia, 24-28 May 2010. Available from NTK repository:
PEJŠOVÁ, Petra. System of Grey Literature in the Czech Republic. Eleventh International Conference on Grey Literature, Library of Congress, Washington D.C., USA, 14-15 December 2009. Praha : Národní technická knihovna, 2009. Available from NTK repository:
PEJŠOVÁ, Petra. Invitation to Twelfth International Conference on Grey Literature. Eleventh International Conference on Grey Literature, Library of Congress, Washington D.C., USA, 14-15 December 2009. Praha : Národní technická knihovna, 2009. Available from NTK repository:
PEJŠOVÁ, Petra. National Repository of Grey Literature – second year. In Seminář ke zpřístupňování šedé literatury 2009 : 2. ročník semináře zaměřeného na problematiku uchovávání a zpřístupňování šedé literatury, Brno, 22. 10. 2009. Praha: Národní technická knihovna, 2009. Available from NTK repository: ISSN 1803-6015.
PEJŠOVÁ, Petra and Martina PFEIFEROVÁ. Grey Literature in the Czech Republic. In Tenth International Conference on Grey Literature : Designing the Grey Grid for Information Society : Amsterdam, Netherlands, 8-9 December 2008 [online] . 1st ed. Amsterdam : TextRelease, 2009. ISBN 978-90-77484-11-1. ISSN 1386-231. Available from NTK repository:
Journal Articles
PEJŠOVÁ, Petra, and Marcus VASKA. Audit DRAMBORA for Trustworthy Repositories: A Study Dealing with the Digital Repository of Grey Literature. The Grey Journal (TGJ): An international journal on grey literature. Amsterdam: TextRelease, Volume 8, no. 2, 2012, p. 96-105. ISSN 1574-180X.
PEJŠOVÁ, Petra. Czech National Repository od Grey Literature. The Grey Journal (TGJ): An international journal on grey literature. Amsterdam: TextRelease, Volume 6, Number 3, Autumn 2010, p. 117 – 127. ISSN 1574-180X.