Materials from the 12th Conference

The Challenges of Incorporating Grey Literature Into A Scholarly Platform

Alistair Reece, GeoScienceWorld

Digital Transformation and Grey Literature Professionals

Dobrica Savić, International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA)

Grey Literature and National Archives

Karolína Šimůnková, Miroslav Kunt; National Archives (Prague)

abART, National Library of the Czech Republic (NK), VIAF and Earthquake

Jiří Hůla, Fine Art Archive

Integration of the University Repository at the TUL: How to do it?

Jitka Vencláková, Markéta Trykarová; Technical University of Liberec

Measuring the value of open access ETDs in the Algerian digital Repositories: an evaluative study

Khaled Mettai, Behdja Boumarafi; University of Constantine 2

Increasing the visibility of grey literature in Algerian institutional repositories

Babori Ahcene, Aknouche Nabil; Abdelhamid Mehri University of Constantine 2


Pavel Straňák, Ondřej Košarko, Jozef Mišutka; Institute of Formal and Appled Linguistics, Charles University

The Scope of Open Science Monitoring and Grey Literature

Joachim Schöpfel, University of Lille – GERiiCO laboratory Hélène Prost, CNRS, GERiiCO laboratory

Impact of the Directive on Copyright in the Digital Single Market on Libraries and Repositories

Matěj Myška, Masaryk University

Exception of text and data mining for the purposes of scientific research in the context of libraries and repositories

Jakub Míšek, Masaryk University

Michal Koščík, Masaryk University (Matěj Myška form the masaryk University is the co-author of the rpesentation and speaker in the video)

[Conference evaluation]

Conference website

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