The Czech National Repository of Grey Literature, or the ‘NUSL’ is a service of the National Library of Technology (NTK). The main goals of the NUSL are to provide access to grey literature, and the long-term archiving and preservation of grey literature.
The NUSL provides:
- online central access to grey literature and the results of research and development in the Czech Republic
- easy intuitional searches
- information about full text availability
- the long-term archiving and preservation of grey literature
There is a partnership network of institutions (research institutions, universities, libraries, NGOs…) from the Czech Republic that contribute their grey literature to the repository.
The NUSL also cooperates with other foreign repositories (e.g. OpenAIRE, OpenGrey etc.).
The National Library of Technology promotes expert discussion about grey literature in the Czech Republic; we organize the Conference on Grey Literature and Repositories.